Sunday, February 24, 2008


Alexandria was great. Fresh air. The sea. Wide sidewalks that people use. Here are some pictures, in no particular order:

The Citadel, the place from where Alexandria has been defended through the centuries.

The new Library of Alexandria. The place is huge - 8 floors all in one big reading area.

A colorful street on the way to the catacombs.

A statue of Saad Zaghoul, an Egyptian nationalist from the turn of the 20th century. I know you can't see him, but I like the picture.

A cafe where we had tea and coffee while reading the newspapers and listening to the Friday sermon. Mariam is on the right and Bob on the left.

Pompei's Pillar. A Roman ruin that I don't know anything about, but it was fun to photograph.

Mariam and Bob on the left. How tall is the pillar? I had flashbacks to high school trigonometry.

The beach.

A minibus from the backseat.

The harbor.


  1. Great pics. Inevitably the question comes to mind ... have you ever read any of the Alexandria Quartet?

  2. Anonymous7:47 PM

    It looks beautiful! I just love it when you post pictures. :-) Also, Dave and I ran into your folks and your nephews and niece at Ikea this weekend. We were a bit overwhelmed as it was our first time in the store (Dave was downright crabby at the enormity of it),so we may have looked a little glazed over when we said hello . . .

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Wow! What a fun place! I'm glad you got to go there. - Julie

  4. The library is just not the same as the one Marc Antony accidentally set fire too.
