Saturday, April 11, 2009


Being pregnant has led to some strange dreams. I've had quite a few dreams about having food in front of me an not being able or allowed to eat it. For some real-life context, I tend to eat every few hours. But pregnancy has also made me more tired, so I've been sleeping about 10 hours a night. You can see how I might get hungry in my sleep.

The first dream I remember was a bunch of people, including me, preparing for a giant potluck. We spent a lot of time hauling food from the entrance of a building through a complicated system of elevators, stairs, hallways and doors before arriving at the potluck room. We had to do this route several times, and it changed! Finally, it was time to eat. I spent a long time piling my plate high with fantastic pastry creations. Then I woke up.

Another time I dreamed I was part of a large caravan of vehicles traveling somewhere. My dad was driving the van I was in. We pulled into a gas station, and I jumped out to go to Wendy's. I ordered a single patty burger with french fries, a soda, and a side salad. As I was leaving the restaurant to return to the van, the van had disappeared. After looking around, I saw the group of vehicles on the other side of the truck stop parking lot. I headed across the lot, but on the way was almost hit by a bus and my food fell out of my hands. It disappeared.

Last night I dreamed about pancakes. We had them for breakfast yesterday, so that's not such a stretch. But I did make them for breakfast today.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Back to it...

So it's been a while since my last post. I find I don't have a lot to say these days, and I've been kind of busy, too.

Today Jeff and I went on a date. We had breakfast at Lucille's; a nice, big American breakfast with eggs and pancakes. Yum! We didn't get hungry again until 5 hours later, which is quite a feat for me these days.

After breakfast, we walked around Maadi taking pictures of flowers. It's Spring, and things are in full bloom!

Pictures are posted on Facebook, send me an email or leave a comment and I'll send the link.