Thursday, December 06, 2007

Random Thoughts

I think I'm going crazy.

My students were in tears yesterday over their grades. It's silly, because thier grades are fine!

I saw an old man on the Metro this morning. At first I thought he had a beard, but then I realized it was chest hair sticking out of his shirt. I tried not to stare.

I lost the assignment for the final paper I haven't started yet.

At least all my shopping is done.

I leave in less than one week!!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Another Lecture

I went to see another lecture at school tonight. The AUC Press just published a book about Islam by Hans Kung, a famous Swiss theologian. It was actually quite boring, although he said some interesting things about Christianity, Judiasm and Islam. One thing I'm tired of hearing is that all three religions share the same ethic.

Of course they do! Most humans agree that things like murder are wrong, let alone the three major religions. Kung acknowledged that the fundamental differences are NOT ethical, but that's what he said we should focus on in order to encourage unity. That's all well and good, but if anyone truly follows one of the religions, he is not concerned with the morality of the other folks, but with that person's soul. The fundamental differences, as stated by Kung, have to do with having the right relationship with God. What difference do ethics make if you're pointed in the wrong direction? What a strange world we live in.

Don't get me wrong - I have no idea what Kung believes personally. I understand that in situations like this, a speaker doesn't say all that he believes. Perhaps I'll have to pick up one of his books.