Thursday, December 06, 2007

Random Thoughts

I think I'm going crazy.

My students were in tears yesterday over their grades. It's silly, because thier grades are fine!

I saw an old man on the Metro this morning. At first I thought he had a beard, but then I realized it was chest hair sticking out of his shirt. I tried not to stare.

I lost the assignment for the final paper I haven't started yet.

At least all my shopping is done.

I leave in less than one week!!!


  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Hang in there Sarah! Your sanity will return as soon as the semester finishes up. I'm really looking forward to seeing you!

    On a more random note, I've notcied myself applying the results from my World War Z survival quiz to the occasional everyday situation (in my own mind of course). For example: "Since we live in an upstairs apartment we aren't at risk for flooding with rainy weather, and also it would come in handy to buy us more time if there were zombies." You've finally gotten to me. :-)

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Hey Sarah, Less than one week! Wow! Sure hope your assignment turns up.. nothing like waiting til the last minute...oh my. that's the mom in me speaking! ha!

    LOL about the chest hair/beard! I was just talking to someone about the trauma when Mike had his back waxed before we went to Hawaii...OWeee!!

    Glad your shopping is done. I haven't really started.

    See you soon. - Julie
