Monday, October 22, 2007

Return to Dreaming

Those of you who know me know that I dream. A lot. And vividly.

Since I've come to Cairo, I haven't been dreaming much, and it bothered me. I can't really say why, except that I'm used to them and have missed them.

So I've started dreaming again. Over the last week I've dreamt about rain (see post below). The other night I dreamt about a classmate of mine coming over to my flat to have a beer.

Last night's dream was about me rescuing a samurai warrior-in-training. He was in a compound, but for some reason was being tortured. At the time of my dream, he was hanging on a looooong rope by his wrists tied together over his head, in a round tower-like room that was very tall. Apparently this samurai compound was Muslim, because when the dawn call to prayer happened (around 4 am), everyone left for the mosque to pray. He managed to free himself from his bonds and I helped him get out before they returned. I was driving a station wagon, the old kind with wood paneling. It was quite a long dream and involved us going back to get his clothes and possessions and being chased...

All this to say that I'm glad I'm having my regular, vivid dreams again. It's almost like I'm at home.


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Just wait till you are prego. I had the weirdest, craziest, sexiest, most vivid dreams when I was prego. I will never miss them. I didnt rest well when I had them. But Im glad yours are in full swing. Maybe its because you feel more at home and into the swing of things there. :)

  2. Anonymous12:55 AM

    I'm disappointed that weren't any zombies in this dream.
