Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome, Jeremy

My friend Jeremy has joined the "Stay up 'til 2 a.m. for just one more episode of West Wing" Club. Of course, it helps that he's not working at the moment. Members so far include me, Christine and Amanda. Anyone else a West Wing fan? I know Tom B. is, but I don't know if he's hit the 2 a.m. mark. For that matter, I don't know if Amanda has either. Hmm.

I'll have to visit Christine when I get home for the seven seasons. If you're bored of what's on TV right now (I have no idea, I haven't seen American TV since... early last summer?), go get the West Wing. If you rent the first season, you'll be hooked. Great cast, great writing, timeless subject matter. Well, timeless if you're living during the modern American political system.

Enough raving about the Best Show Ever on TV. I'm too tired to be blogging right now. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I can't vouch for 2 a.m. officially (because I don't remember), but I do know I have stayed up too late watching "just one more episode" on a Friday, only to get right back up Saturday morning and start and all-day marathon. :-) Once you start, you can't stop!
