Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Four Seasons

Tonight Jeff and I were invited out to dinner by a friend that Jeff has made. This man is a former diplomat from the Gulf. He and his wife took us to the Four Seasons, one of their favorite places in Cairo. I guess when they were first assigned to Cairo they lived there until they were able to buy and set up an apartment. I was feeling self-conscious; the only clothes I have that fit are not very dressy! I ended up wearing a long-sleeve blouse/sweater that is NOT in season... 104 degrees today did not match my attire. Nonetheless, I felt more comfortable than in a t-shirt :-) And a good thing, too. The season decided upon in the restaurant was winter, with the AC set at a cool 69 degrees.

Being with this couple was very interesting. They have lived in Cairo off an on for years, and really like it here. They wear wealth casually - like comfortable slippers. Watching the wife interact with the wait staff, the driver, the store personnel we interacted with, was so revealing. The restaurant was in an atrium of a shopping mall that reminded me of the Venetian in Vegas. I went with the wife to check on a purchase at one of the stores. I sat there, and while she was on the phone, the owner had his two assistants display his handmade carpets for me. It was a little surreal. Anyway, the wife easily commanded everyone she interacted with, but was never unkind or demeaning to them. The deference she was shown by everyone was clear, all the niceties, special attention and so on was fun to watch. As her tagalong, I was shown some as well. I felt a little dowdy compared to her brand label purse, coat, shoes, giant gemstone and diamond rings, and so on, but it was fun.

And dinner was fabulous. The salad they served as a "starter" was big enough for a whole meal. I was glad I ordered the Thai spring rolls instead of a proper salad. Jeff didn't have a chance to finish his! Mint lemonade and sea bass with mushroom/butter mashed potatoes and steamed spinach. Yum!! I've been craving a nice meal, and this was perfect. I refused dessert... no more room next to the baby!

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