Sunday, November 18, 2007

Needed Reflection

Last weekend I decided to go to the Thursday night service rather than one of the Friday morning ones. That day was particularly long; I went to bed late the night before, got up early to talk to Jeff, and never took a nap. I went to school and was frustrated by an office procedure (I should just start expecting delays. More later on that).

Class ended at 2 pm, but I decided to stick around and work, then go straight to church. I knew if I came home I wouldn't want to go out again.

So I did an assignment, graded some papers, read, blogged, and so on. I left for church and I was really tired. Probably because I hadn't eaten anything most of the day. When I got off the Metro, I got a falafel (here we call it tamaaya) sandwich, which I figured should hold me over 'til I got home. The tamaaya was overcooked and reallly crispy, but it tasted great. Besides, what should I expect for 1 LE? I walked to church.

The service that night was the youth service. They led worship, did announcements, gave testimonies, lead the congregation in a pastoral prayer (more on that later as well) and so on. The youth pastor preached.

It was great. Since I've been going, I've heard the youth pastor preach three times, I think. Everytime it's really good. Maybe because he's about my age? I don't know. He preached on Psalms 111, and basically told us that when we're frustrated or irritated and so on, that we need to stop being self-centered and focus on who God is and what he has done for us. It was a really gentle reminder to me of what it means to live a life filled with praise.

Friday morning was great. I slept in, and when the family was at church, cleaned up and did laundry.

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