Friday, August 31, 2007

Flatmates and Phones

Today I went to church. It was nice... just like church at home except all new people and the worship leader has an Australian accent. I signed up to be part of a Life Group, so I am waiting to be contacted.

After church I did some impromptu shopping. The guy at the Mobilnil store yesterday told me to come back today for the cell phone deal I wanted (I had the newspaper ad). Today he directed me to the Alpha Market. I keep hearing about the Alpha Market, so I decided to go find it. He told me it is on the Corniche (road that parallels the Nile).

On my way to church I had spotted a camera/photography shop. So I stopped in to get my photos for the Metro pass. Turns out in Egypt they sell a minimum of 8 passport photos at a time. It must be a testament to Egypt's well-organized beaurocracy. Anyway, I'll pick up the pictures tomorrow after 7 p.m.

I also passed a bakery and decided to restock my supply at home of aish balady (Egyptian bread, a kind of pita bread). I've been eating it out of the freezer and this morning realized there's only a few loaves left.

Then I made my way to the Corniche and discovered the haven of imported goods that is Alpha Market. I also got my new cell phone (on right). As you can see by the comparison of my regular phone, it is quite small!

I returned home, ate some kind of European potato chip/chex type snack, drank my lemon Schwepps (I was indulging in my imported purchases!) and played solitaire while listening to the Friday prayers and sermon. The mosque next door kindly amplifies the call to prayer and the sermon so everyone can hear. How much did I understand? Not really anything more than allah u akbar. But there was a nice breeze out on the balcony, and I was finally feeling comfortable after applying the coritizone cream on all the bug bites I have (I had also stopped at a pharmacy).

Anyway, I also said "hi" to my flatmates. They have been quite good company since the family has been gone. Plus they're just cute.

Here they are fighting:

And here I scared them:

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