Sunday, February 10, 2008

LOST Junkie

I love LOST. Yes, the TV show.

Last year Christine and I watched seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. I found out I can download the entire season 3 on iTunes, so I did. Well, it's in process. The uber fast connection I get is on average 5.5 mbps. Yep, those downloads are cruisin!

But I got the first two episodes done. I just finished the first episode, and I'm remembering how much I enjoy the show. It's like being reacquainted with old friends, and the new characters are great. You may think I'm exaggerating, but the extent of my TV watching last semester was CSI and Desperate Housewives reruns - I don't particularly like either show.

It's nice to space out and relax. I get to use LOST as a way to reward myself after finishing homework. It's great!


  1. So you're getting lost in Lost?

  2. I guess you got to settle for the screen size... Not ideal... Actually I'm finding I watch more shows online than on TV... Weird... But I can understand the reason for the point of contention the striking Writer's Guild makes...
