Thursday, February 28, 2008

Metro Observations

This afternoon when I got on the Metro to go home, it was quite empty. It was around noon, and on Thursdays I get to go home early because all I have to do is teach my one class in the morning.

Sometime back in December, there was an accident on the Metro and I guess some people died. Because of the accident, the women's cars were moved from the front of the train to the middle of the train. And incidentally, I noticed stickers in all the cars with instructions on how to use a fire extinguisher. Anyway, some of the men still haven't got the switch. The cars that used to be the women's cars are typically quite emptier than the rest of the cars, and in the women's cars we get men who jump on and look disoriented. Today was one of the latter.

I was sitting on the bench (they were all blissfully empty), and an old man got on the car. He was tall and slender, with thick glasses and a head of white hair. His shuffling step revealed his age, but he stood straight, with only slightly bent shoulders. He was walking toward the benches when he realized he might be on the women's car. The ladies nearby confirmed it for him. He turned around to leave, and the women were saying "No, it's okay!" "Wait for the next stop!" He didn't make it to the doors in time anyway; they closed.

So he shuffled by me to the doors at the end of the car. When they opened, he got off and scooted over to the next car. There are doors with glass windows between the cars, and I watched to make sure he made it; I think it was a close call. I saw him get on, and then he must have stumbled once he was out of my line of vision, as people nearby all jumped at the same time as if to help him.

I continued enjoying Kink Live Ten on my iPod. And by the way Dad, that case you got me with the clip is perfect. Last week I was on the Metro, and a woman next to me asked me something in Arabic. I told her I don't understand Arabic, and she asked (in French) if I speak French. Several minutes later, after I thought she was done trying to communicate, she spoke to me in English. She pulled her iPod Nano out of her purse and confirmed that we have the same thing. My little case impressed her and she wanted to know where I got it.

Oh... The Metro. I don't think I'll miss it next year when the school moves to the new campus!

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