Saturday, February 09, 2008

A New Class Load

Tomorrow marks my second week of classes, and the first full week of teaching. Classes are interesting this semester. I'm taking the following:

Second Language Acquisition - all about the theories of learning a language that is not one's mother tongue. This is my first course with an Egyptian professor, and so far it's okay. The class is huge! There are over 15 students, which doesn't sound so bad, but last semester none of my classes had more than 10.

Grammar - all about, you guessed it, grammar! So far it's confusing and the reading puts me to sleep, but I like the professor. This class is also quite large, so a second section was opened up which I joined. There should only be about 9 in that class, which is good.

Gender, Space and Power in the EFL Classroom - a fascinating class with one of my favorite professors. She is challenging us to examine a problem or problematic issue in our classroom and experiment. How do the males and females interact? How does the arrangement of desks impact the students? How does one wield authority while still encouraging self-directed learning? It's pretty neat.

Study Skills - I'm teaching the same topic I taught last semester, upon my request. I'm looking forward to having a second shot at the class and hopefully feel better about the experience at the end of the semester.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I am very excited about the classes you have this semester, particularly Grammar and Gender. These were my two areas of interest when I used to be a linguistics grad student.

    Want me to bring my notes from Grammar when I come visit? =)
