Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Walk Like an Egyptian

Okay, you knew that title was coming :-)

Many times we think that "Walk like and Egyptian" means putting your arms at funny angles and suddenly becoming two-dimensional. Perhaps it's because of the song...

But the real way to walk like an Egyptian is without fear.

Crossing the street in Cairo is very interesting, and at times, terrifying. The traffic rules are usually mentioned only when joking. Lanes are suggestions, and other vehicles are viewed as obstacles to get around that happen to be moving. It is not uncommon for drivers to make turns across traffic. If there is a traffic light, no one pays attention to it, including the policeman that may or may not be directing traffic through a busy intersection. At night, many drivers only use the lights as flashers, similar to the way they use thier horns (see Terrifying Taxis below). You can imagine that walking across such mayhem can be intimidating! But, of course, everyone does it. At school we were warned that during Ramadan (starting Setp. 13), traffic accidents increase dramatically, as 16+ million people all rush home at the same time.

Also being a woman and walking around has it's own hassles. I typically don't get harrassed at all, but I think it is because I've learned to walk in such a way that people don't bother me. It reminds me of when I was in high school. I was a good student, never getting into trouble, and I learned that if I look confident and avoid eye contact, I could go anywhere in the building when I was supposed to be in class. It's the same way here. If I look confused, or like I need directions, some overly helpful person (usually a man), will hound my steps until I either arrive at my destination or am rude enough to get rid of him. So, even if I don't have any idea of where I am or where I should go, I fake it! Never show weakness on the street!

Tomorrow I'm bringing my camera to school and hope to post pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    So, you used that trick is high school too, huh? Glad you're getting around ok. Can't wait to see more pictures!
